Team members
Rodrigo Jiménez-Saiz
Dept. of Immunology, IIS-Princesa
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
Diego de León 62, 28006, Madrid Spain
PhD: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2008 - 2012
Postdoc: McMaster Immunology Research Centre (MIRC), Hamilton, Canada, 2012 - 2017
Immunology Instructor: Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 2013 - 2018
Research Associate Academic: MIRC, Hamilton, Canada, 2017 - 2018
Assistant Professor (part-time): Dept. of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, since 2019
Associate Professor (part-time): Faculty of Experimental Sciences, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain, since 2019
Juan de La Cierva Researcher: Dept. of Immunology & Oncology, CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 2018 - 2020
Junior Group Leader: Dept. of Immunology & Oncology, CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 2020 - 2021
Miguel Servet Principal Investigator: Dept. of Immunology, IIS-Princesa, Hospital de La Princesa, Madrid, Spain, since 2021

Celia López-Sanz

I completed a BSc in Biochemistry at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) in 2018, and I am currently an Immunology Intern at the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa.
I took my first steps in science in the last year of college, when I performed my end-of-degree project about the pre-TCR signaling pathway and its possible implication in T acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL) at the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBMSO).
After that, I started my studies in the clinical setting and I am currently working as an Immunology Intern at the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa. In the course of my internship the multidisciplinary research caught my attention. For that reason, I got interested in Dr. Jiménez-Saiz’s research lines and decided to begin my PhD in his group.
Dept. of Immunology, IIS-Princesa
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
Diego de León 62, 28006, Madrid Spain
Lucía Moreno Serna

I graduated in Biotechnology in 2021 at the CEU San Pablo University (Madrid) where I did my end-of-degree project about the viability of viruses in contact with face masks. After that, I spent three months in the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria, Viena) collaborating to improve the protein production in Pichia pastoris yeast.
Furthermore, I took a Master's degree in Microbiology applied to Public Health and Infectious Diseases research in Alcalá de Henares University (Madrid). My master's thesis was focused on Study of the infective capacity, morphology and movement and phagocytic capacity of macrophages after the use of three tyrosine kinase inhibitors (imatinib, dasatinib and ponatinib) compared with a baseline in HIV. It was carried by the AIDS Immunopathology department of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid).
Dept. of Immunology, IIS-Princesa
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
Diego de León 62, 28006, Madrid
Elisa Sánchez Martínez

I graduated in Biology in 2022, at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM, Spain) and in 2023 I got my master´s degree in immunology at UCM.
I have been interested in different projects related to nutrition and antibiotic resistance. Hence, I participated in activities related to this topic organized by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spain) and collaborated with the Small World Initiative (SWI) Project. In summer 2022, I participated in a cross-European team as part of the Una Europa One Health Summer School at the University of Edinburgh.
I met Dr. Jiménez-Saiz doing biochemistry laboratory, which prompted me to choose his group for beginning to develop myself as a scientist. I performed my end-of-degree project about mast cell immunomodulation with his group. Currently, I am starting my predoctoral career continuing the research line about the impact of microbiota in Th2 immune responses.
Dept. of Immunology, IIS-Princesa
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
Diego de León 62, 28006, Madrid Spain
Emilio Nuñez Borque
I graduated in Health Biology at the Alcalá de Henares University (Spain) in 2017. During this year, I did my end-of-degree project at the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB) where I preclinically evaluated different cannabinoid compounds to treat Alzheimer's disease.
Subsequently, I did the Master in Immunology Research at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, Spain) in 2018. In turn, I carried out my end-of-degree project at the Immunoallergy and Proteomics laboratory of the IIS-Fundación Jiménez Díaz Hospital (Spain), where I studied the molecular basis of anaphylaxis and other allergic diseases. In this laboratory, I developed my doctoral thesis on circulating proteins, extracellular vesicles and microRNAs in anaphylaxis, which I defended at the UCM in 2023. In addition, I did a 3-month fellowship in 2022 at the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital (Italy). Currently, I am working at Dr. Rodrigo Jiménez Saiz's lab thanks to a Sara Borrell contract from ISCIII.
Dept. of Immunology, IIS-Princesa
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
Diego de León 62, 28006, Madrid Spain
Our goal is to understand immunological principles of type 2 immunity in the context of allergic disease, particularly as it pertains to acute allergic reactions and its modulation by the microbiota, mast cell-neuron communication, and the impact of allergic disease in the development of atherosclerosis.
Our lab has a marked translational identity, which has been achieved through research in pre-clinical models of allergic disease and a close collaboration with clinicians.
We are constantly seeking for new members that are highly motivated and have strong critical thinking skills!
Drs. Alberto Caminero & Manel Jordana, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Dr. Francisco Sánchez-Madrid, Hospital de La Princesa, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Vanesa Esteban, IIS-FJD, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Sarita U. Patil, Harvard University, Boston, USA
Dr. Yolanda R. Carrasco, CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Dr. F. Javier Moreno, CIAL-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Domingo Barber & Alma Villaseñor, CEMBIO, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Pablo Rodríguez del Río, Hospital Niño Jesús, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Salvador Iborra, Inmunotek S.L.
Funding Sources
Selected Publications
Fernández-Gallego N, Castillo-González R et al. [...] Jiménez-Saiz R*. Allergic inflammation triggers dyslipidemia via IgG signalling. Allergy, 2024, doi: 10.1111/all.16187.
de Azcárate PHR, López-Sanz C, López-Raigada A, Vega F, Jiménez-Saiz R*, Blanco C*. Meglumine gadoterate induces immunoglobulin-independent human mast cell activation via MRGPRX2. Allergy, 2023, doi: 10.1111/all.15847.
López-Sanz C*, Sánchez-Martínez E and Jiménez-Saiz R*. Protocol to desensitize human and murine mast cells after polyclonal IgE sensitization. STAR Protocols, 2022, 3(4):101755
Fernández-Gallego N, Castillo-González R et al. [...] Jiménez-Saiz R*. The impact of type 2 immunity and allergic diseases in atherosclerosis. Allergy, 2022, doi:10.1111/all.15426
Riggioni C, Comberiati and Giovannini M et al. [...] Jiménez-Saiz R* & Akdis CA*. A compendium answering 150 questions on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Allergy, 2020, 75:2503-2541
Jiménez-Saiz R, et al. Microbial Regulation of enteric eosinophils and its impact in Th2 immunity and tissue remodeling. Frontiers in Immunology, 2020, 11:55
Jiménez-Saiz R, et al. Human BCR analysis of single-sorted IgE+ memory B cells in food allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2019, 144:336
Jiménez-Saiz R, et al. The IgE memory reservoir in food allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018, 142:1441
Ellengbogen Y, Jiménez-Saiz R, et al. The initiation of Th2 immunity towards food allergens. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19:1447
Jiménez-Saiz R, et al. IgG1+ B cell immunity predates IgE responses in epicutaneous sensitization to foods. Allergy, 2018, 74:165
Jiménez-Saiz R, et al. Initiation, persistence and exacerbation of food allergy. In: Allergy Prevention and Exacerbation, 121-144. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-69967-7
Jiménez-Saiz R, et al. Lifelong memory responses perpetuate humoral Th2 immunity and anaphylaxis in food allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2017, 140:1604
Chu DK, Mohammed-Ali Z, Jiménez-Saiz R, et al. T helper cell IL-4 drives intestinal Th2 priming to oral peanut antigen, under the control of OX40L and independent of innate-like lymphocytes. Mucosal Immunology, 2014, 7:1395
Chu DK, Jiménez-Saiz R, et al. Indigenous enteric eosinophils control DCs to initiate a primary Th2 immune response in vivo. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2014, 211:1657
Lab News
February 2025
- Preprint: Diacylglycerol kinase zeta dictates CD40-mediated immune synapse formation, mTORC1 signaling and plasma cell fate in B lymphocytes in BioRxiv
January 2025
- Collaborative article published in Allergy: Allergic Reactivity and Memory Occur Independently of Sequential Switching Through IgG1
- Editorial in Clinical & Experimental Allergy: Anaphylaxis: Spotlight on Inflammation
October 2024
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk on "Microbial metabolism in allergic disease" at the BSACI Allergy & Immunology Conference in Harrogate (UK)
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk on the immunological basis of allergen immunotherapy primary prevention at the Complex Allergic Pathology in Pediatric Populations Course (8th edition) in Madrid (Spain)
September 2024
- New collaborative review, published in Gut Microbes: Relevance of gut microbiome research in food safety assessment
August 2024
- Collaborative article published in elife: Allosteric modulation of the CXCR4:CXCL12 axis by targeting receptor nanoclustering via the TMV-TMVI domain
July 2024
- Collaborative scientific opinion published in EFSA Journal: New developments in biotechnology applied to microorganisms
June 2024
- Lab publication: Allergic inflammation triggers dyslipidemia via IgG signalling in Allergy
May 2024
- The lab attended the EAACI Annual Congress in Valencia: Celia gave a flash talk on mast cell desensitization, Elisa delivered an oral presentation on the microbial metabolism of food allergens, which won a prize, and Rodrigo gave an invited talk titled "Targeting Long-Lived Plasma Cells"
April 2024
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk on "Allergic disease and cardiovascular risk" at the Clinical Rounds of Hospital Universitario de La Princesa in Madrid (Spain)
March 2024
- Collaborative article published in Allergo Journal International: Assessment of a fast challenge test with iodinated contrast media in allergic patients with anaphylaxis
February 2024
- Collaborative article published in EFSA Supporting Publications: Roadmap for the integration of gastro-intestinal (GI) tract microbiomes (human and domestic animal) in risk assessments under EFSA's remit
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk on primary prevention of allergic disease at the Advances in Allergy and Immunlogy - Immunotherapy Course in Barcelona (Spain)
January 2024
- Emilio Núñez-Borque has joined the lab as Sara Borrell investigator, welcome Emilio!
December 2023
- Preprint: Allosteric modulation of the CXCR4:CXCL12 axis by targeting receptor nanoclustering via the TMV-TMVI domain in BioRxiv
November 2023
- Preprint: Relevance of gut microbiome research in food safety assessment in Authorea
October 2023
- Editorial comment on “The alternative bile acid pathway can predict food allergy persistence in early childhood" in Pediatric Allergy & Immunology
- Rodrigo gave an educational lecture entitled "The allergic immune response for beginners" for the Scientific Basis of Allergy module of the Allergy MSc programme at the Imperial College (UK)
September 2023
- Lab preprint: Allergic inflammation triggers dyslipidemia via IgG signalling in BioRxiv
August 2023
- Lab publication: Meglumine gadoterate induces immunoglobulin-independent human mast cell activation via MRGPRX2 in Allergy
July 2023
- Rodrigo participated in the thesis tribunal of Raphaelle Bazire, who defended her work entitled "Monitoring of sublingual allergen immunotherapy using omics tools" at UAM
June 2023
- Preprint: Sequential Switching Through IgG1 is Redundant for Allergic Reactivity and Memory to Allergens
May 2023
- Editorial in Allergy: Mapping the way to strengthening epithelial barriers: neuronal circuits in mucus regulation
April 2023
- Rodrigo participated in the thesis tribunal of Diego Pazos Castro, who defended her work entitled "Towards a deeper understanding of the pathophysiology of allergic diseases" at UPM
- Paula attended the DHM meeting in Bologna (Italy) and gave an oral presentation titled "Meglumine gadoterate induces immunoglobulin-independent human mast cell activation and MRGPRX2 internalization"
March 2023
- Rodrigo participated in the thesis tribunal of Marisa Delgado Dolset, who defended her work entitled "Biomarkers associated with severe asthma and polyposis" at IMMA-CEU
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk at the Immunology/Allergology Service of the Clínic Hospital
February 2023
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk at the Dept. of Immunology and Oncology Seminars at CNB-CSIC
January 2023
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk on the impact of allergic disease on cardiovascular risk in allergic disease at the XIX CYNA meeting in Madrid (Spain)
December 2022
- New collaborative review, published in Pediatric Allergy and Immunology: Pathogenesis, immunology, and immune-targeted management of the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) or pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS): EAACI Position Paper
November 2022
- Lucía Moreno Serna has joined the lab as Research Assistant, welcome Lucía!
October 2022
- Rodrigo gave an educational lecture entitled "The allergic immune response for beginners" for the Scientific Basis of Allergy module of the Allergy MSc programme at the Imperial College (UK)
- Lab publication: Protocol to desensitize human and murine mast cells after polyclonal IgE sensitization in STAR Protocols
September 2022
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk on mast cell and IgG memory in anaphylaxis at the GA2LEN ANACARE Anaphylaxis and Food Allergy Forum in Padua (Italy)
August 2022
- We are very thankful to the ISCIII for supporting our project on the impact of allergic disease in atherosclerosis with a research grant
July 2022
- Invited review published in Allergy: The impact of type 2 immunity and allergic diseases in atherosclerosis
June 2022
- Invited review published in Frontiers in Allergy: Mast Cell Desensitization in Allergen Immunotherapy
- Congratulations to Elisa Sánchez Martínez for successfully defending her Bachelor´s Thesis!
May 2022
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk on the immunological relationship between the skin and allergic disease at the 2nd congress of the Sociedad Catalana de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica (SCAIC) in Barcelona (Spain)
April 2022
- Collaborative article published in PLoS Pathogens: Type I interferon regulates proteolysis by macrophages to prevent immunopathology following viral infection
March 2022
- Rodrigo has joined the section Therapies, Therapeutic Targets & Mechanisms of Frontiers in Allergy as Associate Editor
February 2022
- Collaborative article published in the European Respiratory Journal: Cigarette smoke augments CSF3 expression in neutrophils to compromise alveolar-capillary barrier function during influenza infection
January 2022
Rodrigo attended the 20th Immunology Winter Immunology School - Digital as Junior Member Representative of the Immunology Section of EAACI
December 2021
- New article: The cannabinoid WIN55212-2 impairs peanut allergic sensitization and promotes the generation of allergen-specific regulatory T cells in Clinical & Experimental Allergy
November 2021
- Rodrigo gave an educational lecture entitled "The allergic immune response for beginners" for the Scientific Basis of Allergy module of the Allergy MSc programme at the Imperial College (UK)
October 2021
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk on the mechanisms underlying persistent allergy at the 3rd meeting of the food allergy interest group (ALiADOS) at the 33rd annual congress of SEAIC in Zaragoza (Spain)
September 2021
- Collaborative review published in Frontiers in Immunology: Oral Immunotherapy for Food-Allergic Children: A Pro-Con Debate
August 2021
- Editorial in Allergy: Local inflammation enables a basophil-neuronal circuITCH in atopic dermatitis
July 2021
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk entitled "Understanding immunological mechanisms that confer a higher risk of allergy" at the JMA Scientific Symposium of the EAACI Hybrid Congress 2021
June 2021
- We are very thankful to the SEAIC Foundation for supporting our project on effector cell neuromodulation in allergic disease with a research grant
- Congratulations to Regina Rubira for successfully completing her Bachelor´s Thesis!
May 2021
- Review in collaboration with the Jordana Lab at McMaster University, published in Immunotargets & Therapy: Memory Generation and Re-Activation in Food Allergy
April 2021
- Rodrigo gave an invited talk at the CBGP UPM-INIA seminars
March 2021
- Preprint: Memory Generation and Re-Activation in Food Allergy
- Rodrigo gave an oral presentation at the Basic Immunology and Innate Immunity session of the 42nd Congress of the Spanish Society of Immunology (SEI)
February 2021
- New preprint: Oral Immunotherapy for Food-Allergic Children: A Pro-Con Debate
- Rodrigo has joined the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Immunology!
January 2021
- We were awarded a grant from The Nutricia Research Foundation to investigate microbiota and anaphylaxis together with Alberto Caminero (McMaster University)
December 2020
- New article: Interrupting reactivation of immunological memory diverts the allergic response and prevents anaphylaxis in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
November 2020
- Editorial in Allergy: Enlightening human B‐cell diversity
October 2020
- Rodrigo attended the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting (FAAM)-EUROBAT Digital as a member of the Scientific Committee. He gave 2 invited talks and moderated one symposium
- Rodrigo received the Allergy's Distinguished Reviewer Award
- New editorial in Allergy: Single‐cell RNA analysis: Guiding the treatment of DiHS/DRESS
September 2020
- Congratulations to María Cottereau for successfully completing her Bachelor´s Thesis!
- Editorial in Allergy: The neuroimmunological toll of nutrient absorption
August 2020
- Editorial in Allergy: Thinking small: Zinc sensing by the gut epithelium
July 2020
- Reviews on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 in Allergy:
A compendium answering 150 questions on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2
June 2020
- Rodrigo received the EAACI Allergopharma Reserch Award at the EAACI Annual Congress 2020 where he gave an invited talk entitled "Route of exposure determines the immune response to food allergens"
April 2020
- Alberto Caminero (McMaster University) and Rodrigo were awarded a New Frontiers in Research Fund – Exploration 2019 grant!
March 2020
- Research article on B cell biology, through a collaboration with Drs. Ana Cuenda and Yolanda R. Carrasco at CNB-CSIC: B Cell Development and T-Dependent Antibody Response Are Regulated by p38γ and p38δ in Frontiers in Cell & Developmental Biology
- Editorial: Follicular T cells: from stability to failure in Allergy
February 2020
- Research article: Microbial Regulation of Enteric Eosinophils and Its Impact on Tissue Remodeling and Th2 Immunity in Frontiers in Immunology
- Editorial: Drug‐induced IgG‐neutrophil‐mediated anaphylaxis in humans: Uncovered! in Allergy
January 2020
- Rodrigo has joined the Editorial Board of Allergy!
- Rodrigo attended the 18th Immunology Winter Immunology School in Chamonix (France) as Junior Member Representative of the Immunology Section of EAACI.